Companies That Are Trying To Lower Employee Absenteeism Are

Companies that are trying to lower employee absenteeism are taking a proactive approach to improving their workforce’s health and well-being. Absenteeism, or the unscheduled absence from work, can have a significant impact on a company’s bottom line. In this article, we will explore the causes of absenteeism, discuss strategies for reducing it, and provide examples of companies that have successfully lowered absenteeism.

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Understanding Absenteeism and its Impact

Companies that are trying to lower employee absenteeism are

Employee absenteeism refers to the unplanned absence of an employee from work, ranging from short-term absences (e.g., a few hours) to long-term absences (e.g., several weeks or months). Absenteeism can have severe consequences for businesses, including:

  • Reduced productivity and efficiency
  • Increased costs due to overtime, temporary staffing, and lost productivity
  • Damage to employee morale and workplace culture
  • Negative impact on customer service and reputation

Various factors contribute to employee absenteeism, including:

  • Health issues (e.g., illness, injury, chronic conditions)
  • Family responsibilities (e.g., childcare, eldercare)
  • Work-related factors (e.g., job stress, lack of motivation, poor work-life balance)
  • Personal factors (e.g., financial problems, substance abuse)

Strategies to Reduce Absenteeism

Companies that are trying to lower employee absenteeism are

To effectively reduce employee absenteeism, businesses can implement a range of best practices, including:

  • Establish clear policies and procedures regarding absenteeism
  • Provide employee support and resources (e.g., employee assistance programs, wellness initiatives)
  • Foster employee engagement and job satisfaction
  • Create a positive and supportive workplace culture
  • Implement technological solutions for absenteeism tracking and management

Numerous successful absenteeism reduction programs have been implemented by companies, such as:

  • Walmart’s “Live Better U” program, which provides employees with access to affordable healthcare and wellness services
  • IBM’s “Workday Absence Management” system, which automates absenteeism tracking and provides analytics for targeted interventions

Role of Employee Engagement: Companies That Are Trying To Lower Employee Absenteeism Are


Employee engagement is strongly correlated with lower absenteeism. Engaged employees are more likely to be motivated, productive, and committed to their work, which translates into reduced absences.

Strategies for fostering employee engagement include:

  • Providing opportunities for professional development and growth
  • Recognizing and rewarding employee achievements
  • Creating a positive and supportive work environment
  • Empowering employees and giving them autonomy

Companies that have successfully improved employee engagement and lowered absenteeism include:

  • Google, known for its employee-centric culture and focus on work-life balance
  • Zappos, which empowers employees through self-management and a strong company culture


What are the main causes of employee absenteeism?

The main causes of employee absenteeism include illness, family emergencies, personal appointments, and lack of motivation.

What are some strategies for reducing employee absenteeism?

Some strategies for reducing employee absenteeism include creating a positive workplace culture, offering flexible work arrangements, providing employee assistance programs, and implementing technology solutions.

What are some examples of companies that have successfully lowered employee absenteeism?

Some examples of companies that have successfully lowered employee absenteeism include Google, Microsoft, and Amazon.